It is almost impossible to wrap one’s head around how something so
pervasive, so widely accepted, most of the time without doubt or second thought
can be so obviously damnable as the doctrine of the trinity that it can only be
2Thess 2:11”mocking” the wicked to their face.(1Kings 22:19-35…… YES JESUS DID
SPECIFICALLY CLAIM TO BE GOD …..The problem is that even most Christians either
do not know or do not care what GOD said about HIMSELF..
FREE Download the entire ~150pg book at:
The Trinity Heresy
CH 3 – ……………And OH yea, “God damn
you if you do not believe it”!
CH 9 - “ A
CH 10 - “…………AND
Rom 1:20.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly
seen, being understood by the things that
are made, EVEN HIS eternal
power and GODHEAD; so that
they are without excuse:
Mark 12:28…Which is the first commandment
of all? 29. And Jesus answered him, The first of all the
commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is
one Lord: 30. And ………..this is the first commandment…..
31. And the second is…..
If you can’t get this “first of all commandments” right, all
the rest of your theology is moot……
PART 4 & 5 WHO WAS JESUS/GOD PRAYING TO and what about
the voice at his baptism?..... Pgs 31-36........The real question should be ...
How does having multiple different persons keep this one God/being/entity from
praying to himself?! The Trinitarians want to have their cake and eat it too as
the saying goes. On the one hand they need to say they only worship one
indivisible God being/ entity but on the other hand they feel the need for some
reason to keep Jesus or God from praying and talking to himself by dividing him
up into different persons!?! It never occurs to them that that since there is only
one God to pray too and Jesus is that God come in the flesh that he would need
to talk to himself as to show us how to live, suffer, pray and die for our (and
the flesh) benefit not his!?! ......There is only one God to pray too so if God
is going to personally (in the flesh) show us how to pray to God, then he would
need to do so by praying to himself. There is perfectly good coherent reasons
for the one God to be praying to the one God (praying to himself).
But, oh no, Trinitarians feel that if God talked to himself
then that would be stupid at best and at worst make God schizophrenic or some
other mental illness they fear. No sir, they will have none of it, they are on
a “mission from god”. They are going to go out and save God from himself and any
schizoid/mental illnesses that might “bedevil” God himself. What is even more
ridiculous is that their solution to keep God from talking to himself (some
mental illness they feel) is to evoke multiple person(s)-ality (deny it is a)
disorder and insert it onto God’s “being” (call it one “entity”/ “The Godhead”)
instead!?! Man is made in the image of God and when I see a man with multiple
different personalities, in the way Trinitarians desperately need their god to
be, we call it a disorder (demon possession to be more exact) not divine!?!
.......................If the One God (in heaven who is a SPIRIT) wanted to
validate that it is in fact himself (on the earth in human flesh) that has come
in the flesh on the earth, then a voice out of heaven telling everyone that is
Himself is perfectly consistent with a coherent agenda and methodology. The
voice and witness to men does not come for God’s own sake but for man’s
reassurance. (John 12:30 Jesus answered and said, THIS VOICE CAME NOT BECAUSE
OF ME, BUT FOR YOUR SAKES) The one person God (who is omnipresent) in heaven as
well as on the earth (at the same time) wanted everyone to know that it was
indeed HIMSELF "in the flesh" Suddenly we can see that the only
things “bedeviled” with “many demons” (and mental imperfections) are the
Trinitarian’s logic and mindset itself
Pg 78…….So while Trinitarians are quick to complain that God
was not talking to himself at Christ baptism or in Gen “let us” they ignore the
logical demands of their own theology! If Jesus is the ONE GOD in flesh and the
Father is the SAME ONE GOD in heaven then Trinitarianism demands THE ONE GOD is
talking to HIMSELF the same “being”! Claiming that God is multiple different
persons as the reason for why God is not talking to himself (because God is
three different “selfs”) only demonstrates that what they really worship is in
fact not a ONE GOD who talks to himself but three different god “selfs”/ and
they all talk to each other! When they speak about who God was talking and
praying to, they are quick to say “the other person, NOT HIMSELF!” But if you
ask them how many gods do they pray to then they will say “ONLY ONE”!?! They
expect you to believe that those three different persons are THE ONE GOD-BEING”
which is like calling three different cars “THE ONE VEHICLE” (they are text
book examples of prov 26:12) This of course is all nonsense and just polytheism
with different wrapping paper and a bow on top. (remember this is not one of
those unscrupulous pyramid schemes this is a trapezoid with a solid
foundation!?!) If Jesus is not the same ONE GOD that the father is then no
amount of denials can overcome the fact that Trinitarians would still be
talking and worshiping to different (and in this case) “ONE GODS”. If however,
Jesus/father are the same ONE GOD then Trinitarianism cannot escape the fact
that “THE ONE GOD” would still have to pray and or talk to HIMSELF at some
point. Denials only solidify the fact that they do pray and or worship to three
different gods; three different god “selfs” and the only place you can find a
“being” that is three different persons is in the “logic” and heads of fools
who think they worship one God only that does not talk to himself. ………… A tree
is known by its fruit...In the beginning God said you will die; Satan came
along and stated you will be more "wise".....God and His Children
said God is one; Satan's children say no three or triune God is more
"wise"...You are of your father the devil. Those who believe in God
in three persons are noting but polytheist who insist and “confess” that they
are true liars and thieves who insist and “confess” they are
not lying and stealing...!?! All liars will have their part in the lake of
fire. The fact you claim to be or not to be something does not make it true.
You cannot believe in three persons of God if you believe in one God. Three
different persons is by definition plurality of beings (godS not God) simply
laying claim to it is "beyond comprehension" to explain or
understand, but "don't worry we “confess” that we are monotheist and are
not polytheist" is in fact just delusional.
Here is a diagram that graphically depicts how ONE PERSON
who is God can Be everywhere at the same time... If a omnipresent God speaks
from two different locations even at the same time why is that so amazing, why
would Jesus need to be a ventriloquist?!? But perhaps you worship a small God
who can only be and act [communicate] in one location at a time [in only one
way at a time] People unwittingly put god into a box or environment for God to
live in rather then God creating the box and environments for men and angels to
live you. Obviously That part of the spirit of God which is connected to the
flesh that was born into this world is connected to that flesh in a way that the
rest of the same spirit of God is not. Ergo, the distinctions between the
Father, Son and Holy spirit are distinctions in function and of
circumstance/condition of the various parts of God not differences in person!?!
PGg10... There are only distinctions in the manifestations
due to being in different kinds of universes ie spiritual & physical and
functioning differently in those all at the same time....Same HE or HIM but the
HE that is in heaven is also the He that is on earth but the HE on earth is
subordinate and obedient to the HE in heaven because the HE in heaven is the
greater part of the HE that is on earth!?!.............
Following Charts shown next are conceptualized diagrams demonstrating certain
concepts about “Where God is located” and the “location” of Heaven and earth or
the spiritual and physical universes. God is omnipresent and the physical
and spiritual universes (environments of men and angels/ heaven and earth) all
exist inside of God rather then God existing and limited to the inside of some
environment that God himself must depend on. God created the environments for
men and angels then projects himself into his creations which is why God is
everywhere and the father and son and holy spirit can all be the same person
that is injected into those creations at different times and or different ways
and yet remain undiluted or disconnected from each other.
Here is a diagram that graphically depicts how ONE PERSON who is God can Be
everywhere at the same time... If a omnipresent God speaks from two different
locations even at the same time why is that so amazing, why would Jesus need to
be a ventriloquist?!? But perhaps you worship a small God who can only be and
act [communicate] in one location at a time [in only one way at a time]
People unwittingly put god into a box or environment for God to live in rather
then God creating the box and environments for men and angels to live in.
Obviously That part of the spirit of God which is connected to the flesh that
was born into this world is connected to that flesh in a way that the rest of
the same spirit of God is not. Ergo, the distinctions between the Father, Son
and Holy spirit are distinctions in function and of circumstance/condition of the
various parts of God not differences in person!?! When you were born you
were given a spirit by God but it is a human spirit and it animates your
physical human flesh (your spirit does not extend beyond your physical
body)....when the flesh that was born into this world called Jesus was given a
spirit IT WAS THE SPIRIT OF GOD in it, animating it. (the part of God’s own
spirit that he considers to be his right hand)
God in
heaven had a body manifested that the angels interacted with (who is described as looking like a
man who sits on a throne) The
same God had a human body of physical flesh here on earth that he manifested
himself to physical man with. But the fact that God can and did take multiple
different bodies at the same time is NOT “evidence” that God is multiple
different persons. On the contrary God sates he is one person but it is
evidence that he is a God who unlike the angels can be in different places at
the same time even in different bodies/shapes/ forms/ projections (Mat 3:16) at
the same time doing different things for the very reason that He is God and not
just a spirit or an angel. In fact, Jesus is both the high priest who
offered his own blood into the holy of hollies in heaven as well as the
sacrificial lamb that shed that blood AT THE SAME TIME!! He is the spirit
of Spirits the omnipresent God who is in multiple different places all at the
same time even in different forms/ manifestations/ bodies (Mat 3:16)
NOTE ON REV 21:22-23: Two different projections/forms of the same
person .Part of that one person who is God is in the form of a man sitting on
the throne while at the same time a different part of the same person God is
projected looking like a lamb that was slain .....SAME OMNIPRESENT PERSON in
multiple different forms simultaneously.........It is quite Ironic that you
absolutely cannot understand/ refuse to accept one omnipresent person who is
occupying multiple different projections/forms at the same time ...NO, NO for
you it could not possibly be truth. On the other hand you have no difficulty
insisting that it must be the same one omnipresent God who is multiple
different persons!?!?! the choice is ONE GOD who can/is/takes
multiple different forms or is multiple different
persons?!?!..............What is so ironic is that without the other scriptures
to go off of then we could say that both of those are "theoretical
possible in and of themselves............. However, we do have specific
scriptures with specific information where God specifically claims to be ONE
PERSON only!?!?!?........... so your choice to is deny that it is the same
person in multiple different projections/forms and insist it must be multiple
different persons!?!?!......(if only you had bothered to look and understand
the charts).............YOU FOOLS, HYPOCRITES AND BLIND GUIDES! ........your
damnation will be most just
IS: Slide #2 "where is God"?.....Jesus who is God
standing at the right hand of God, YES himself! (Acts 7:56;) ....When I sit
down my right hand (an object) is “at my right hand" (a location). Take a
look at the diagrams in this Chapter which conceptualizes the whole idea of
"where God is". There are many other things we shall continue to
explore in this study and once you see it you should realize just how simple it
all really is. Then your next question will be “how come then so few or almost
no one ever saw all this before”; to which i suggest (A) a few have (B) 2 Thess
It is
rather ironic even hypocritical that some would also try to point to Rev 5:7. And he came and took
the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. Note the diagram could have just as
easily drawn this to show a lamb and a man sitting on a throne. They attempt to
point to this verse to claim “see
Jesus is not the literal right hand of God because Jesus took it out of the
right hand of God” and
thus as such, they will argue, Jesus must be a different person then the
These are the same people who claim “you
cant take revelation literal it is symbolic” and “metaphorical”.
These are double minded, cherry picking hypocrites. Look, verse 6 states “ and in the midst of the elders,
stood a Lamb as it had been slain.”…So, there is a “man” sitting on the
throne but, it was the lamb (look
like a slain animal not a human man) that
took the book NOT a different man who comes and takes the book out of the hand
of the man who is sitting on the throne not that it would matter if it did for
the reasons explained here, The point should become obvious once you understand
that God can take as many and as many different bodies as he chooses all at the
same time without being different persons. Remember, Christ who is our High is
also the sacrificial lamb of God, multiple simultaneous roles are not difficult
for the omnipresent God. God is “omnipresent” (and
not limited to a singular body or body type even at the same time, Side one
demonstrates the fact that God did take multiple different bodies at the same
time, so pointing to that as “evidence” that God is multiple different persons
is just pointing to your Trinitarian conclusion as “evidence” for
itself!?! ) Angels are spirits also but they have bodies that
they are limited/confined within/ to and they are NOT “omnipresent”. God on the
other hand is not “confined to the limited space of a singular body. He created
all things and can take as many different bodies as he likes all at the same
time without being multiple and or different omnipresent persons! God is
ONE PERSON who can be anywhere at the same time!?
(2) Take
note of the omnipresence of God and how the anthropomorphic (with the likeness of man;
hands arms, sitting on a throne or chair) God
sitting on the throne is NOT everything or all there is to God. (Obviously the same omnipresent
“ONE GOD” was in heaven and on earth at the same time!!) The anthropomorphic God (man sitting on the throne) is only that part of God that is
manifested or projected into the place that God created called heaven (spiritual universe); the environment where the angels also
live. God created environments for spirits and angels to live in, God exist
external of any and all environments (He
is “omnipresent) that
angels/demons, humans et al live in. God has a anthropomorphic projection of
HIMSELF in heaven but God can be in multiple different locations (or bodies) at the same time, doing different
things because God is omnipresent/ everywhere! God is not limited to the
confines of any singular anthropomorphic manifestation/projection into “heaven”
or earth (Gen 18:2) because God is everywhere and
anthropomorphisms are just the projections/ manifestations that God who is
“omnipresent” (and not limited
to a singular body) uses to
show things either to his other heavenly host and or to men on earth. God is
not limited by any number of anthropomorphism . But God is limited by His own
word which is that he does have what he considers to be a right arm and that is
what he would send and call his son, and except you believe it you will die in
your sins! God can and is in/ manifested/projected in multiple different
locations doing multiple different things all at the same time, for the
very Reason that ONLY HE the omnipresent God could, be “all in all”!?!
What John
saw in heaven was literal but it was not God in a box it was a box that God
projected himself into as a animal that had been slain and as the father
sitting on the throne before the angels and other heavenly host. But the
omnipresent God is not totally encapsulated in any number of different bodies
and or certainly not the limited forms of a lamb and a man sitting on a
There are many different ways these diagrams could have been
draw and even if you do not like my illustrations common sense should tell you
that if Jesus is God then he is the OMNIPRESENT GOD and the “difficulty” is
only one of proper conceptualization not anything found in the text.
PART 2 Pgs 91-101
But some will say “what About Gen “God said let
1. it actually states “ELOHIM said let us” ... while verse
26 uses the plural pronoun “us” it then uses the single pronouns “his” and “he”
to reference God in verse 27. Thus, the argument that would claim God must be a
plurality of persons because of verse 26 would also demand that God is a single
person in verse 27. Logical coherence and or even so much as basic consistency
are not values that the Trinitarians can afford to concern themselves (or
anyone else,”…. never mind that man behind the curtain”) with too much.
2. The scriptures call angels and demons et al Elohim
because the word is NOT a name but rather akin to a classification of
life….Animal life….Human life…..Elohim life….Further the word Elohim is used in
the very same way that the English word fish is used the same spelling of the
word can refer to singular or plural, as in:…I have a FISH (singular Ex 4:16/
7:1)…or…I have many FISH. (plural Ps 95:3; 97:9; 82:1-7 et
al) Note that the word Elohim also has a singular sense (see also Ex 4:16,
7:1). In the Ps references here we can also see that “ALL ELOHIM” demands that
each one is a elohim. …. The comparison and contrast is also made in the fact
that there are “OTHER ELOHIM” and God is above ALL those OTHER ELOHIM. …The
fact that any language has different
forms of the same word and or multiple different words that can all
mean and or refer to the same definition does not invalidate the definition
FISH can be used as SINGLAR or PLURAL
FISHES is just another form of the word …The fact that the
word Fishes exist does not prove that the word FISH is always
Elohim is SINGULAR or PLURAL…..the fact that there is
another form of the word ELOAH proves nothing !?!
3. Thirdly and most importantly, apparently either ignored
or by virtue of absolute gross and inexcusable ignorance or willfully so but
God has a conversation with a certain man, “in your KJV bible”,( or any of the
other translations ) and lets him know that the angles were present and
participating and doing work in the creation! In fact, God makes a point to
tell this man that the man does not know the names of and or the “who did
exactly what” during the creation. A king proclaiming work to be done before
all of his servants: only a fool would doubt that He is talking to his servants
and instead think he was only talking to himself.!?!? While it is true that God
spoke some things into existence it is untrue that everything created was
spoken into existence. Man was “formed” from the dirt that God had already
created several days prior. Man was not spoken into existence he was first
formed and then God breathed into the clay/dirt that had been formed. If we
create machines to do work for us, then when the work is done WE not the
machines claim and obtain all the credit
How come so many are so ignorant of these scriptural
facts?..and yet I know why……. it demonstrates 2Thess 2:11-12...............
When God said He is ONE, there is no excuse for God In three persons…… Some
would ask: “Does it means that angels is also a creator?”...NO why would
it?..if you create a machine that can do work for you when the work is done YOU
still get all the credit...God Created the angles (host of elohim; who also are
always described looking like men because God created them with the same image
that God himself is describe as having!?!) who in turn were involved in the
creation process when God created the heavens and earth...Thus, although they
(all the other elohim) were present and participating in the creation it was
Lord Elohim (Lord of the Elohim who is himself Elohim; aka GOD) ALONE who gets
ALL the credit because God created the angels and everything else...simple
logic....the fact that the angels were present and participating is not
mutually exclusive to God taking all the credit for the work any more so then a
king takes the credit for building his empire even though his servants are
involved in the work..they all do the work under the authority and power of the
King and in this case it goes even further because in this case the King even
created the servants that will be participating in the construction processes
Well Now,…………“Lets talk about ‘Us’”
PG 91- 92…….On “BEING” a PERSON……
There a chasm of dichotomy between what (A) Trinitarins
claim ….and (B) what they are doing in actuality …..
(1) the Trinitarian claim is that God is three different persons but still ONE being ( ASSERTION)
(2) The Trinitarians three different persons is in REALITY
three different beings. Because a person is “a being” and “a being” is a
person. (REALITY)
Simply imagining that there is a compatible but
diametrically opposed pole difference between “a being” and “a person” .......
the idea that one being could be three different persons who are not three
different beings when a person is a being by definition then what is really at
work here is a willful denial of reality in favor of someone’s imagination.
Three different persons can NEVER be ONE IN NUMBER OF
BEING… fact to suggest such is a oxymoron. A person is a being and three
different persons is three different beings so to say God is three different
persons who are one being is in fact to say (while trying to hide behind
different terms that mean the same thing) "God is three different beings
who are one being". It would be just like me trying to say I have one
Vehicle that is three different cars. That is incoherent nosense!............ A
rose by any other name is still a rose. Three different persons is three
different beings a single being that is three different persons only exist in
the minds of those that create and hold on to that idea. The scriptures never
say such things and Man is made in the image of God and that image demonstrates
no such thing. .....
PG 17……The following diagram depicts three different
animals, three different humans and the Trinitarian result of three different
persons in a “godhead” (Three different persons who are each God is no
different then three different persons who are all Human or three different
pets that are all animals ) Bill, Jack and Jill are three different persons but
"NOT ONE HUMAN BEING" (not one being).....Cat, Dog and Mouse are
three different pets each with their own "personality" , They are
"NOT ONE ANIMAL"(not one being)...............To claim that father son
and holy spirit are three different persons is "NOT ONE
ELOHIM".......nor is is ONE GOD"..........Nor is it "ONE
DIVINITY" ...............
ELOHIM, HUMAN & ANIMAL are all classifications of life
they are not names. Refer back to 8 for the proof that many persons are called
Elohim angels demons even dead people. The point of the chart should be very
clear unless you are confused by the linguistic contortions and acrobatics of
the doctrine of trinity which all things considered should not be so surprising
since it is by definition "INCOMPREHENSIBLE" (incoherent &
inconsistent) It is no wonder then that the thinking of those who cannot grasp
the significance here is also "INCOMPREHENSIBLE" (incoherent &
inconsistent) Running around calling three different cars “ONE VEHICLE” or “THE
VEHICLE (“GOD HEAD”) does not force reality to conform to your
"confessions (or professions) of Faith". A person is a “BEING” but
three different persons is NEVER considered a being.....Likewise calling your
three different god persons with different amounts of god knowledge wisdom and
authority ONE God is simply delusional. (2 Thess 2: 11) Three gods is not one
god no matter how much or how hard you confess it or want to believe that you
only worship one God any more so then a prostitute, who claims/ confessing (ad
nauseum) that pagan worship and or immoral practices are not immoral and that
she denounces all forms of sexual immorality will not magically make the
whoredom suddenly an expression of "good works"!?!.....ONE animal is
ONE being....ONE PERSON is ONE BEING.....These kinds of arguments hold no water
and only shows the lengths to which trinitarins will attempt at linguistic
contortions to try to justify a incoherent and heretical position at any and
all cost of reason, logic or scripture et al
“All things are three, and thrice is all: and let us use
this number in the worship of the gods; for, as the Pythagoreans say,
everything and all things are bounded by threes, for the end, the middle and
the beginning have this number in everything, and these compose the number of
the Trinity’ “ (Aristotle, Fourth Century B.C. quote taken from: Arthur
Weigall, Paganism in Our Christianity, 1928, pp. 197-198)
“It is generally, although erroneously, supposed that the
doctrine of the Trinity is of Christian origin. Nearly every nation of
antiquity possessed a similar doctrine. [The early Catholic theologian] St.
Jerome testifies unequivocally, ‘All the ancient nations believed in the
Trinity’ ” (Marie Sinclair, Countess of Caithness, Old Truths in a New Light,
1876 p. 382).
2Thess 2:11. And for this cause GOD SHALL SEND
THEM STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a lie: 12. That THEY
2Tim 4:3. For the time will come when THEY WILL NOT
ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE; but after their own lusts shall they HEAP TO THEMSELVES
TEACHERS, having itching ears; 4. And they shall turn away their
ears from the truth, and SHALL BE TURNED UNTO FABLES.
Mark 12:28. And one of the scribes came, ...., asked him,
Which is the first commandment of all? 29. And Jesus answered him, The THE
FIRST OF ALL THE COMMANDMENTS IS, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is ONE
(HEIS) Lord:........IF YOU CANNOT
PROPERLY GRASP THE CONCEPT OF “ONE GOD” (and “who” [what person]
Linguistically, both the Hebrew and the Greek NT terms translated as “ONE” in various places to modify “God” as in “God is ONE” destroy all pretense to God in three different persons.
The word Echad is used almost IDENTICAL AS THE ENGLISH WORD
"ONE"......... Both the words "ONE" and "ECHAD"
refer to
(a) ONE PERSON/ or item ONLY (Ezk33:24; Eccl 4:8)
(b) multiple different persons who are acting as one (Gen
(c) multiple different parts of the same person or thing
that act as one .(Ezk 37:17; Ez 2:64) .
(d) While other possible uses for Echad exist such as
“first” (e.g Isaiah 51:20); or “unique” in certain passages [e.g. based
primarily on Job 23:13; Ez 7:1; 1Chron 17:21; 2Sam 7:23; et al] but none of
these are relevant (nor necessary to debate the virtues of such as “unique”)
because the same passage and word is used in the NT with specific Greek word
where uses such as “first” or “unique” would not be accurate and or permissible
Thus the mere fact that the word echad is used anywhere does
not demand any one of those definitions just by itself NOR CAN YOU CHERRY PICK
in Deut 6:4 (or any of the other places where God is defined by that word)
cannot refer to a compound unity. Each reason stands on its own not dependent
on the other and either one destroys the Trinitarians.
(1) The word Echad can be used almost identical to the
English word “ONE” it can refer to
(a) NO COMPOUND UNITY of ONE a single solitary ONE PERSON
ONLY (Ezk33:24; Eccl 4:8) …
(b) COMPOUND UNITY : a husband and wife/ table and chairs as
ONE which is a compound unity (Gen 2:24); Ezk 37:17; Ez 2:64 ) ….Thus the fact
that God uses the word ECHAD does not show that God is a compound unity any
more so then to say “I am ONE” shows that I am a compound unity nor does it
prove that I should have said “I am ALONE”
So which is it in Deut 6:4? Well the same grammar rule that
applies to (Ezk33:24; Eccl 4:8) applies to Deut 6:4 …Namely:
In Hebrew the word ECHAD must be accompanied by collective
sets of nouns pronouns to identify as a compound unity in the same way the
English word “ONE “ is used………..
The table/Husband and chairs/Wife are ONE
The table/Husband and chairs/Wife are HEN
The table/Husband and chairs/Wife are ECHAD
HERE IS WHERE : Echad in scripture used as multiple
different persons who are acting as one (Gen 2:24) And or multiple different
parts of the same person or thing that act as one .(Ezk 37:17; Ez 2:64)
When the word Echad is used with reference to God it is
NEVER qualified with multiple sets of pronouns/nouns WHICH IN HEBREW IT MUST in
order to interpret or claim a compound unity exist and is almost identical in
the way that the English word ONE does!?!?!?
If you say you have ONE/ECHAD table no compound unity Is
under consideration period! …if on the other hand you say those legs and top
fit together as ONE/ECHAD then and only then is a compound unity under
consideration….This is true for the Hebrew word Echad …It must be accompanied
by multiple pronouns and nouns to suggest or claim any compound unity is under
consideration but it NEVER IS WHEN GOD IS THE SUBJECT!?!?
EXAMPLE B ECHAD /ONE/ HEIS as a numeral singular ONE person
place or thing with NO compound unity:
I have ONE table
I have HEIS table
I have ECHAD table
HERE IS WHERE : Echad in scripture used as ONE PERSON/or
So, just as with the English word “ one” is defined by the
context so too is the Hebrew word Echad defined by the context in which it is
found. Collective sets of nouns/pronouns indicate a compound unity as in the
table and chairs are “ECHAD”/ “one” ( set ) If on the other hand all you have
is “one”/ “echad” table then there is not compound unity involved. When the
Lord states that HE is one there is no compound unity under consideration
because for there to be so then the OT text would have had to spell out that
the Lord of he and I and him are “one” However, the OT context and sentence
structure where Echad is used to describe God forbids any compound unity
because for a compound unity to exist it must be qualified with a collective
set of nouns/ pronouns, which it never is.
NOTE: The word used in Deut 6:4 is Echad not Yachid nor does
the existence of the word Yachid prove anything about how Echad is to be
understood in Deut 6:4
(A) The fact that any language has different forms of the same word and or multiple
different words that can all mean and or refer to the same definition does not
invalidate the definition!?! (example I am ALONE …or I am BY MYSELF) This
Trinitarian kind of argument is saying basically that since God could have used
the word FORTOLD (yachid) but chose to use PROPHECY (Echad) instead therefore
the word PROPHECY (Echad) can’t have/ be used with the same meaning as the word
FORTOLD(yachid)!?!?! …Prov 26:12
FISH can be used as SINGLAR or PLURAL
FISHES is just another form of the word …The fact that the
word Fishes exist does not prove that the word FISH is always
Elohim is SINGULAR or PLURAL…..the fact that there is
another form of the word ELOAH proves nothing !?!
(B) Since the word Echad can be used almost identical to the
English word “ONE” it can refer to a single solitary NO compound unity of
ONE(Ezk33:24; Eccl 4:8) …OR……. it can also refer to a husband and wife/ table
and chairs as ONE which is a compound unity ((Gen 2:24); Ezk 37:17; Ez 2:64 )
….Thus the fact that God uses the word ECHAD does not show that God is a compound
unity any more so then to say “I am ONE” shows that I am a compound unity nor
does it prove that I should have said “I am ALONE” if i intended that to be
understood ….Trying to argue that God should have used this word Yachid instead
of that word Ecahd if he wanted folks to understand that he is only one person
is a ridiculous and self-righteous argument of cowards, fools and liars
(trinitarians) ……Prov 26:12
Further and final note for this first part: “A compound
unity” can refer to different parts of the same thing or person as well as
different persons who are acting/ unified as one. So even if “a compound
unity” is assumed in Deut 6:4 that still would not demonstrate that God
would be multiple different persons as opposed to having different modes/parts/manifestations
that are unified together such as the different parts of the human body are all
unified as one but only a fool should suggest that compound unity represented
multiple different persons!
(A) The same verse and words of Deut 6:4 are translated in
the NT with specific Greek words that PROHIBIT and FORBID any more then ONE
PERSON !?! Thus the NT writers understood ECHAD in Deut 6:4 NOT as a compound
unity but as ONE person ONLY…..
In the NT two different Greek words are used to express
those SAME BASIC SET OF DEFINITIONS found in the Hebrew word Echad or the
English word "ONE" they are “Heis” & “Hen”
“HEIS” (a) ONE PERSON ONLY This word demands a singular
person (or item) when person (or item) is the object being quantified by that
number. (NO EXCEPTIONS EXIST, not even in Gal 3:28!?!) This word is used
thousands of time in the NT (even if you do not count the times it refers to
God) and when it refers to persons it NEVER defines more then ONE single person
Joseph Henry Thayer: “Heis” means the cardinal numeral ONE.
Where the word “heis” takes the place of a predicate it means one person. (Page
186. A Greek, English Lexicon of the New Testament.)
Mr. A. T. Robertson: “One,” when masculine (heis) sets forth
the idea of the cardinal numeral “one.” When referring to people or beings,
ALWAYS the numeral “one” is implied. (Page 186 vol 5; pages 526 and 527, vol 4;
page 299 vol 4. Word Pictures of the Greek New Testament.)
Bauer: The masculine “one” (heis) means, A single; only one.
(Page 230 Bauer’s Greek Lexicon.)
Gingrich: The masculine “one,” (heis), is equivalent to
‘protos’ which means‘first’. Only one; single. (Page 57, Shorter Lexicon of the
Greek New Testament).
“HEN” (b) multiple different persons who are acting as one
“HEN” (1Cor 3:6; Jn 11:52 et al)
(c) multiple different parts of the same one person or thing
that act as one (1Cor 12-14-20 the PARTS of the human body are ONE/ HEN et al)
IN the NT when Deut 6:4 et al is referred to by Christ it is
recorded as using the Greek word “HEIS”.NOT HEN!?!?....Thus Linguistically,
destroys all pretense to God in different persons.......
When two or more words or concepts equally apply have
different possible meanings they can only logically apply in a way that they do
not contradict each other.(you cannot appeal to self contradiction in terms to
make a valid argument)..the Trinitarian argument is incoherent and certainly
not consistent with itself. Logically The church members are "Hen"
but cannot be "heis". so multiple persons is the demand. On the other
hand, your head and right arm are both "Hen" and "heis"
this can only be logically coherent as ONE PERSON with parts or parts of the
same person. Likewise; Father and son are "hen" and God is ONLY and
always "heis" logically they can only be one person in parts/portions
of the same person
(B ) The whole point to Gal 3:20. Now a mediator is not a
mediator of one, but God is one, again, point blank, identifies the number of
persons of God! The mediation is between multiple persons (“a party” of God and
man); the “but” points out the contrast between the multiple persons in a
mediation party verses the “one” of God; The “BUT” is making the point that God
is not like a mediation party with multiple persons, God is ONE [person]!?! The
one is contrasted against “a party” or multiple persons……….. No matter how one
try’s to interpret the parties as individual persons with opposing views or as
two different groups or parties (ie corporations) with opposing views, this
verse makes a contrast between those meditations and parties which are “NOT
ONE” (person), But God “IS ONE” (Person). Thus any attempt to lay claim that
this verse does not destroy all contrary pretenses about the fact that God is
only one person is willful ignorance and delusional nonsense of the greatest
(C) ~pg 51..There are two kinds of oneness one of
purpose/Unity/ and one of Person and one kind of oneness does not exclude the
truth of the other kind of oneness. They are NOT mutually exclusive. You can’t
use one kind of oneness to make void the other with. If Christ is praying for
one kind of oneness you cant then assume that well he must be denying the other
kind of oneness. The fact is the father and the son just like a head and right
arm are BOTH one in purpose/unity AND (as he states elsewhere in other context)
one in person. Thus, pointing to passages such as these which use the word
“HEN” and in the obvious context of unity of purpose/action/goal and speaks of
the oneness of Jesus and the father in that unity wanting his disciples to also
be in THAT UNITY just as the right arm (Jesus/son) and head (father) are in
THAT UNITY does not have anything to do with the number of persons of God.
Jesus is NOT asking that they be one in person nor is he denying that the son
and father are one person. The only oneness (Jesus is praying for) under
consideration here is the UNITY of parts/purpose/action NOT persons!?! Thus,
these passages have nothing to do with the number of persons of God nor can it
"Quality" the number of persons of God. In fact they are completely
irrelevant in defining the number of persons of God except as an good example
of Trinitarian faulty exegesis and logical fallacies..
There are two fundamental underlying arguments that destroy
any and all trinitarian arguments/ comments to the contrary
(A) The Hebrew grammar prevents ECAHD from having compound
unity in specific verses
(B) The Greek grammar prevents the same word translated into
from having compound unity
Since "compound unity" is NOT consistent with how
the OT or NT writers used/ translated Deut 6:4 the word nor can echad be said
to be only used or understood as “compound unity as such:
MEN!?!…It is these trinitarin et al type arguments like the ones addressed here
that demonstrate those who are making them are either woefully Incompetent or
liars or the minions of other cowards who hopes no one can point them out for
what they are.
God said he would CHOOSE send you STRONG DELUSIONS. I bet it
never occurred to the trinitarians et al that God would ever use words in such
a way as to allow folks like them to “get confused” (inexcusably so) or lied to
and delude themselves with. (2Thess 2:11-12/Isa 66:4/1Kings 22:19-23/ 2Chron
18:18-22) Not only do they not know what they are talking about but the books
and or people who are teaching these kinds of argument are cowards who know
that they cant defend it so they create as many tape-recorded minions and send
them out as one of their “students” so they can avoid the risk of embarrassment
of being shown wrong and incompetent. But, don’t worry because they have a vey
good reason (stupid reason) why you were not able to answer the anti-
trinitarins as well as they themselves could have "if it had been them"!?!…However,
if on the other hand no one is able to show these minions the foolishness of
their arguments, then the Trinitarian scholars and “teachers” will congratulate
the minions on how well they have been taught. I can hear Darth Sideous now:
“you have been taught well, they will be no match for you”…..In other words
THEY ( the Trinitarian “scholars” and liars who are teaching these arguments)
are using you and in their eyes see you as “useful idiots” ……….or just “good
minions” (like bob and Stewart) ….you can “see it” however makes you dandelions
grow happy…..... …Prov 26:12
PART 3 slide
presentation on the scriptures where EVEN GOD USES MODALISM by definition to
describe himself and who would be coming in the flesh
.....and yet the trinitarians will say
MODALISM also called Sabellianism, is THE UNORTHODOX BELIEF
that God is one person who has revealed himself in three FORMS or MODES in
contrast to the Trinitarian doctrine where God is one being eternally existing
in three persons.
MODALISM teaches that the Heavenly Father, Resurrected Son
and Holy Spirit identified by the Trinity Doctrine are different modes OR
ASPECTS of the One God, as perceived by the believer, rather than three
coeternal persons within the Godhead.
ASPECT is a term used across several religions and in
theology to describe a particular manifestation or conception of a deity or
other divine being. Depending the religion, these might to disjoint OR
overlapping PARTS, or METHODS of perceiving or conceptualizing the deity in a
particular context.
That fact that a anthrophomorphism is used to describe the
PARTS of the deity that is manifested as such is modalistic!?! is
that simple .....God sending or manifesting three different PARTS of himself is
modalism by definition.....Those three different PARTS that God manifest can be
(1) anthrophomorphism(s)
(2) any other number of qualities/ aspects of God (love,
wisdom et al) .
GOD HIMSELF describes his nature and what was sent and
manifest of himself to man in MOADLISTIC terms concepts of PARTS of himself NOT
different persons......
ANTHROPOMORPHISM is the attribution of human characteristics
and qualities to non-human beings, objects, natural, or supernatural phenomena.
God, animals, the forces of nature, and unseen or unknown authors of chance are
frequent subjects of anthropomorphosis. The term comes from two Greek words,
άνθρωπος(anthrōpos), meaning "HUMAN," and μορφή (morphē), meaning
"SHAPE" or "FORM." The suffix "-ism" originates
from the morpheme "-isma" in the Greek language.
Anthropomorphic adjective
Pg 27 ..... What is even more curiously hypocritical is the
fact that according to the Trinitarian reasoning, God is not capable of being
only one person in three parts. NO NO, however, on the other hand they are
quick to point to how great God, past our human understanding and our limited
feeble minds He is as the reason for why we should just accept that God can be
one being with three different persons as a “god-head”. The coherent and
consistent approach to the one person godhead is thrown out in favor of the
incomprehensible three person God because God is so great he could do that.
They will say we don’t have to understand it because we can’t and must not put
limits on God. However, on the other hand, they will deny that God is great
enough to be only be one person who is the father and the same person who is
the son and the same person who is the holy spirit (even though that is how he
describes himself.) God is not great enough to be and do that. In any case, the
Trinitarian’s treat their god to only be as great and incomprehensible in the
way and for the reason they imagine the God to be. Trinitarinas have no
difficulty “seeing” (never mind they also claim it is impossible to fully
understand) that God is three different persons (with three different minds and
or three different locations with different amounts of knowledge, power and
authority that send each other around) but they cannot, will not accept and
would fiercely deny and claim that it is impossible for one God with one
person, could just have three different modes bodies (physical/spiritual He
occupies) of all the same person!?! You see God is only as Great and
incomprehensible in the way and for they reasons that they say God is past
(your) “feeble” human understanding, but they in their “humility”, accept that
fact; and “be damned” what anyone or any scriptures have to say otherwise about
That part of the spirit of God that God considers to be his
own right arm comes occupies and is “fussed” with human flesh in a way that the
rest of God is not. The distinction is in that fact and the “additional
sensations/existence” that human flesh/spirit fusion create, not a distinction
in person. .......When someone goes to put a needle in my arm IT REACTS to pull
back but my head tells it no stay there it is for the best….but only a fool
would try to conclude that my right arm is a different person, even though it
has “a will of its own” …Trinitarian attempt to deny what God plainly states
about his own nature and “PERSON” based on the trinitarians “rational”
arguments but build your whole God on the incomprehensible concept of three
different person who are each God with different “god” powers and knowledge as
only ONE GOD rather then what that really is which is three different
Gods…...So [for trinitarians et al] they and their arguments attempt to
convince everyone that the best most reasonable arguments from scriptures reach
a conclusion that is “incomprehensible” and you must accept the truth of it as
such while ignoring what and How God specificaly describe himself and accepting
what God specifically denounces (God specifically denounces that he is multiple
different persons see part 1 ) ....The right arm that God describes is just a
figure of speech not to be taken too literally while the ideas that plainly
contradicts God must be accepted as “plain truth”. ...These men PROV 26:12!?!
it is right to say Jesus choose his words carefully because he did not want
folks to focus on the flesh that was standing before them but rather the spirit
that was animating that flesh) The problem is that even most Christians either
do not know or do not care what GOD said about HIMSELF …Ergo the heresy of
trinity….. The Righteous Right Hand of the Lord "HE
COMETH"............ " NO REALY ….'I AM HE'; IT’S JUST ME!!"....
The RIGHT ARM/HAND is what is REVEALED, …What is sent and comes to SAVE US, the
“SALVATION REAVEALD”, that right arm comes and gets “THE VICTORY” and will
“RULE”. That right arm/hand IS "His RIGHTEOUS SERVANT" that God “MADE
BARE” and was “LIFTED UP/EXALTED” and thus “BARE THE SINS of many” !?!? This is
the absolute strongest case for the fact that yes, JESUS DID CLAIM TO BE GOD,
Pg 19…THE STRONGEST CASE…Some have asked where did Jesus
specifically say "I AM GOD"...Ok, consider, If you ask me are you the
preacher I might say yea "I am he"; that is just a generic reference
that could apply to anything ....HOWEVER, Jesus is making specific scriptural
references and laying claim to where GOD himself claimed to be "I AM
HE" when he describes the right arm that would come......It was no
different then if you ask someone right now are you that part of God that God
called his own right arm? and they responded with "I AM HE" that
would be same as them saying I AM GOD..I AM that right arm......The reference
Jesus uses is a specific reference to being God......When Christ lays claim to
“I AM HE” it was the same as saying God said about himself " I AM HE"
…and you need to know and believe that “I AM HE” refers to me and as such is a
specific claim to being God....!?!
Lest the subtleties of what is being said here escape you
let me speak plainly: The “I am he” IS LITERALY the same person “me” that is
going to send………….
Pg 36........ Christ is part of the omnipresent Spirit of
God (that God considers to be His own right arm) attached to flesh but not
limited to the confines of that flesh; connected in a way that the rest of God
is not.. ….He (Jesus) is however, that part of God that God himself considers
to be his own right arm that came in the flesh. ……..and the terms that God uses
are the very ones that man who is made in his image are not just modalist but
staunchly anti-trinitarian! His son is his right arm... …. before you scoff
with Jesus was just a hand puppet of God (Gods right arm in human flesh) then
consider you likewise are just as much a puppet of the soul/spirit that is in
your flesh the only difference is that you are a different person (then God)
who’s spirit is limited to the confines of your human flesh while Christ is
part of the omnipresent Spirit of God (that God considers to be His own right
arm) attached to flesh but not limited to the confines of that flesh; connected
in a way that the rest of God is not. A SIMPLE THOUGHT EXERCISE WITH A HAND
10:29-31; 12:49 et al
~Pg61........Your spirit animates your body just as a puppet
is animated by a hand in a puppet glove. (the spirit is the life what gives
animation to the flesh) You can put your right hand into a glove or puppet and
animate it. Your spirit is animating your physical flesh. The physical flesh is
nothing more then a more complex puppet of your spirit. Jesus is nothing but
that part of the spirit of God that came and occupied the same physical flesh
as you and me and animated it in the same way that we are animated by our
spirits. The difference is that our spirits were created by Jesus himself who
is the father and God of all spirits. If you find the concept of Jesus as a
puppet disturbing then just look in the mirror because that is what you are!
Pg 120 Everyday experience can explain the nature of God
using the modalistic descriptions and allegories found in scripture with
everyday experience. However, trinitarianism cannot be seen or understood in
everyday experience and is in fact as admitted to in their own “confessions of
faith” (and by virtue of their “God is so great we cant put God in a box, we
just can’t understand it arguments/excuses) is admittedly “INCOMPREHSIBLE”.
Pg143….….But wait someone would say, I would never consider
my right arm to be my son so why would God consider his right arm to be his
son?...... Because of the physical birth of male human flesh that was born as a
“son of man” (that was in fact God himself) and as such belongs to God. Was it
Mary’s son or God’s son? It is simply a matter of perspective. The male child
was born of a virgin but the male human flesh was animated or only had life via
that part of God considered to be his own right arm and as such that male human
flesh was literally the human flesh of God since it was A SON and God had no
other human flesh (or son) it was literally the ONLY or unique birthed BEGOTTON
SON (male human flesh) OF GOD (belonging to / the possession "of
God") Jesus is a son because what was physical born was male human flesh
and a son that was the possession of God because it was God in that male (son)
human flesh .NOT because some other different god person who was not a powerful
and knowledgeable as the father God person! .....Except you believe it you will
die in your sins..
Pg 14 ..It is superfluous even fallacious to insist on a
second person of God because a son must be a different person then a human
father because Jesus did not have a human father and God does not take a wife
and have children like men do ?!?!… God via the angel told Mary that what was
going to be born was to be called the son of God, (NOTE: here in Heb it states
servant/Right arm sent is a different person then the father who sent his right
arm/ “My servant” the son. Jesus is a literal son by virtue of the birth into
human flesh NOT by virtue of having a different person then the father.
Further, it is important to understand that there was no son of God until the
son was born however that part of God himself that He considers to be God’s own
hand / right arm (by which he created all things and would latter send via a physical
birth) had always existed. The fact that God has distinctions between father
son and Holy Spirit is not any more incomprehensible then a man with a head and
right arm (that comes to “man” via a physical birth ergo called the “son of
man” & “Son of God”) and a sprit that animates them all. One might be
tempted to think that God actually intended for us to understand his nature by
using the very creation (even in the language and terminology) that was made in
that image.
Pg 24-25…………Since man is made in the image of God you would
think that folks would want to start with that concept to apply first, rather
then invoking the number three or the word Trinity entirely unnecessarily, into
a God that is quite clear about the fact that He is only one person..…My right
hand IS me and is WITH me (Jn 1:1).….WOW, imagine that!?!? Distinctions are not
multiple persons. The fact that God has distinctions between father son and
holy spirit is not any more incomprehensible then a man with a head and right
arm and a sprit that animates them all. One might be tempted to think that God
actually intended for us to understand his nature by using the very creation
(even in the language and terminology) that was made in that image……………………… Man
is made in the image of God and God uses these exact terms to describe and
define his nature. You right arm is distinct from your head...It is with you
and it is you....Your head is greater then your right arm (the father is
greater then I).....your right arm can only know, do and communicate what your
head tells it to, (Jn 8:28) unless it feels pain and then it lets the head
know..."i do not like this" the hand wants to pull away from the
needle but your head tells it no stay there it if for the best. (not my will
but thy will be done) Jesus is nothing more then that part of God that God
considers to be his right arm come in the flesh.
How "Ironic” (hypocritical) that Trinitarians will try
to deny the scriptures use of God literally sending His right arm (even
ridiculing that) because of its Anthropomorphic implications and yet that is
the exact bases for all Trinitarian arguments. It is the anthropomorphic
descriptors that the Trinitarian hypocrites try to use as reasons for arguing a
demand for multiple/three different persons of God (ie. had to be multiple
persons so that God was not praying to himself et al. The Question must be
asked, “How many other Gods is there for the one God to pray [or swear] to?!?!
God could swear by no greater then Himself, nor could their be any higher
authority to hold God to his own oath...!?!) God is one person who only sent a
part of himself called his right arm via a physical birth ergo called his son
to teach us how to live pray, suffer and die to HIMSELF!?!....well, he
certainly did not come to teach us how to pray and die to some other
Pg 83…SECOND: Lk 22:42 . Saying, Father, if thou be willing,
remove this cup from me: nevertheless NOT MY WILL, but thine, be done. 43. And
there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. ……………There are
two different wills here so must be two different persons right? But the answer
is far more simple then requiring a multiple personal headed god!?!
That part of the spirit of God that is connected to flesh is
distinct from the rest of the spirit of God that is not connected to that flesh
thus the distinction between them as well as how the spirit of God wars against
the flesh of GOD ..Example:
Mat 26:41: the SPIRIT indeed is willing, but the FLESH is
Rom 8:1 walk not AFTER the FLESH, but AFTER the SPIRIT…… 5.
For they that are after the flesh do mind the THINGS OF THE FLESH; but they that
are after the Spirit the THINGS OF THE SPIRIT.
But What fool would suggest that since my flesh and the new
spirit inside of me are contrary to each other and want different things must
mean that I am multiple different persons!?!? When someone goes to put a needle
in my arm IT REACTS to pull back but my head tells it no stay there it is for
the best….but only a fool would try to conclude that my right arm is a
different person..even though it has “a will of its own” (see also the flesh
lust agains the spirit and visa versa).. A distinction between the desires or
“will” of the spirit and the desires “will” of the flesh or what the spirit
wants and what the flesh wants does not make for different persons!?!
The only coherent and consistent way to apply all the
scriptures is in and with the allusion to head and right arm the head that
scriptures make just as your right arm is you and you are the head of your
right arm it is with you and is you. The issue is not what God could do or what
“great things” you can image that God could do, but rather what did God say
about his self, His nature and how did God describe it. The Fact that God can
do more then you image is not a valid argument for why God did everything you
suggest in spite of what he clearly stated!?!
Mat 27:46:46. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a
loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, MY GOD, MY GOD,
This is truly an ironic passage for Trinitarians to attempt
to use because Jesus is quoting Himself!?!
1Peter 1:10. Of which salvation THE PROPHETS have inquired
and searched diligently, WHO PROPHESIED of the grace that should come unto
you:11. Searching what, or what manner of time THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST WHICH WAS
IN THEM, when IT TESTIFIED beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory
that should follow……… 2Peter 1:21. For THE PROPHECY CAME not in old time by the
will of man: but holy men of God spake as THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST.
What did that sprit of Christ testify?.....
Psalms 22:1. MY GOD, MY GOD, why hast thou FORSAKEN ME? why
art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?
Jesus is the creator and God in the OT speaking to the
prophets about himself. It was that same Jesus that quoted himself in the OT
passages about his own suffering. Pay particular attention to all Psalms
references (Lk 24:44)
The argument that tries to say that since Christ committed
his spirit to the father at his death proves that Christ must be a different
person then the father actually proves just the opposite!. However, it would be
just as true to say that the spirit that was in Christ was that part of the
sprit of God that God put into flesh and connected to the flesh in a way that
the rest of the spirit of God (and thus the rest of God himself) was not. As
such, that part of the spirit separated from (died to that flesh and went to
the place of the grave called death that He himself had created) ….. On the
other hand to claim that Jesus either was forsaken by God and or was a
different person then the Father God in heaven leaves Jesus dead to his flesh
as well as dead to (and separated from) the father (a physical death/separation
as well as a spiritual death/separation from the rest of God) This creates two
possibilities for those who argue for multiple different persons, both of which
are heresy:
(A) Jesus died and was separated from the rest of God and
thus undeniably no matter what linguistic contortions of nonsense you use,
created two different gods who were separated from each other and not the same
person and no longer "one". They can’t be the same one God (or one
being) if they are separated dead and or forsaken to each other!?! The reality
s that part of God’s own spirit that came into human flesh also “visited” the
place called death/ the grave a place that right arm created in the first
(B) Jesus ceased to be God so that there would only be ONE
Thus, once again the very argument that Trinitarians will
try to use only condemns them as heretics and leaves them insisting that those
are not the only possibilities because “with God all things are possible”
(never mind that God is not the author of confusion and self contradictions
either) or chalking up the incoherence of the arguments to: “Yea, can you
believe it? Our God is such an awesome God” (he is and is not a different gods
all at the same time!?!; We are pious [fools] because we don’t put limits on
what God can do [no matter what God himself said about himself])
So to say that God cannot die is purely a matter of
perspective it depends on what you mean by God died. In any case, it is God’s
(possessive) son because that human flesh born into this world via women is a
son (it is not a daughter) and belongs to God. It is God and no other person
then the person who said he would send that part of himself that he considers
to be his own right arm to animate/give life to that human flesh. Ergo: Son
(male, son of man/women) of (belongs to) God. The idea that Jesus is a
different person then the person who sent that part of himself into male human
flesh born son of man is simply blasphemous! In any case, understanding “WHO”
(what person) this Jesus is has everything to do with who and what God you
person who is speaking in this passage, sending his servant is claiming that HE
is that servant that will be sent!?! Yes there is a distinction between father
and son just like there is between head and right arm but in both cases the
right arm and the head as well as the father and the son are still the same
ANIT-CHIRST …. Pg 71 ….Trinitarianism is just as Anti-Christ
as much as is ISLAM, JW, LDS, ROMAN CATHOLIC et al because (they all confess
the Christ/messiah came in the flesh, Yes even Islam claims Jesus was the
Jewish messiah/Christ who was to come) they all deny WHO it was (what person)
that came (to be the Christ) in the flesh!?!....[ "WHO" it was (what
IT MEANS TO BE “ANT-CHRIST”! To deny the father is to deny the son because they
are one and the same person that came in the flesh!
1John 2:18. Little children, it is the last time: and as ye
have heard that ANTICHRIST shall come, even now are there many antichrists;
whereby we know that it is the last time. 19. THEY WENT OUT FROM US, BUT THEY
ALL OF US. 20. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all
things. 21. I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but
because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. 22. Who is a liar but he
that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? HE IS ANTICHRIST, THAT DENIETH THE
John 14: 8. Philip saith unto him, Lord, SHEW US THE
how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
The "oneness" between Christ and the father is not
comparable to a man and his wife, for only a fool would say "When you have
seen me you have seen my wife, how sayest thou then, Shew us your wife?"
Notice they asked to see THE FATHER and the response was Jn 14:9 ..“HAVE I BEEN
SO LONG time with you, and yet hast THOU NOT KNOW ME, Philip.....Now image some
fool trying to claim that statement if you asked to see his wife!?!!? The whole
point to Christ statements is that he is the SAME person as the father [you
want to see the FATHER but have I been with you but you don’t know me!?!?!]”
CONFESS NOT that Jesus CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH. This is a deceiver and an
antichrist. 8. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have
wrought, but that we receive a full reward. 9. WHOSOEVER TRANSGRESSETH, AND
unto you, AND BRING NOT THIS DOCTRINE, receive him not into your house, neither
bid him God speed: 11. For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his
evil deeds.
1 John 4:1. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but TRY THE
the world. 2. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: EVERY SPIRIT THAT CONFESSETH
IS THAT SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and
even now already is it in the world.
4. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:
because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5. They are
of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6.
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth
not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. 7.
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth
is born of God, and knoweth God. 8. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God
is love. 9. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that GOD
SENT HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON INTO THE WORLD, that we might live through him. 10.
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son
to be the propitiation for our sins. 11. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought
also to love one another. 12. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one
another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. 13. HEREBY KNOW
14. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the
Look at verse 12-13, do you rest your theology and salvation
in the fact that you “love” those around you that you consider to be “of the
faith”? Now, look at verse 15 Do you rest your theology and salvation on the
fact that you and every other person claiming to be Christian confess that a
man named Jesus is the son of God as reason your not anit-christ? If your going
to claim that since you confess that a man named Jesus was the son of God and
came in the flesh as a reason you are not anti-Christ then every person who
even claims to be a Christian, that jesus is the son of God, no matter what
their doctrine/denomination is will be saved because they all confess that
Jesus is the son of God, thus “God dwelleth in them and they in God” and you
have no reason to try to convert anyone who claims to believe Jesus is the son
of God no matter what their doctrines/denominations are!. If the reader does
not understand the point here, it is because they fail to see in the verse and
in that statement of confessing Jesus is the son of God that the MOST
IMPORTAINT principle is: “who the person of the man Jesus is” (cross-reference
“The Name of the Lord”/ “The word” in Chapter 7) Who the person of Jesus is the
whole crux of the matter (There is big difference between a God who sends part
of himself born into the physical world and call that part of himself his son
verse multiple different persons who send each other around and subservient to
the first person!?!) and what determines this issue of “anti-Christ”, not just
the fact that a man named “Jesus” was the son of God even the mormons and almost
every denomination without exception believe that!?! The issue is not just that
a man named Jesus Christ (the savior) came in the flesh but to deny “who that
man is, who the person of that man is, that came in the flesh” that is the crux
of the issue and defining line of what it means to be anit-christ. Look back at
1John 2:18
To deny who is the person of the man Jesus is to deny who
the person of the father is because they are the same person. If they were not
the same person then a denial of one person would not be a denial of the other
person automatically because by definition two different persons are not
synonymous. The whole point to these passages is showing that the person of the
son and the father are synonymous. The fact that you confess that a man named
Jesus was the son of God does not acknowledge the person of the son and the
person of the father. The son is the word of God to deny the word is to deny
the father who sent that word. To deny the word of God (the son) is to deny the
God (father) who sent that word. Even if you were still unsure that the father
and the son were the same person, you would still be left with the unavoidable
fact that if the father and the son are the same person, then to deny who is
the person of the father is to deny who is the person of the son and to deny
who is the person of the son is to deny who is the person of the father. Thus,
as a Trinitarian there could be no expectation of salvation as an anti-Christ.
James 2:19. Thou believest that there is ONE GOD; thou doest
well: THE DEVILS ALSO BELIEVE, and tremble.
First notice that James makes a point of stating a belief in
ONE GOD as opposed to the pagan practices of that day of worshiping multiple
different persons as one of multple different persons who are god...
Trinitarins do not even have a claim to believing that there is one God,
Calling your pantheon one God does not magically make the pantheon of god
persons disappear or force reality to conform to your “confessions of faith”!?!
Three different persons who are each god with different amounts of god
knowledge power and authority does not fool anyone except the fools who will
believe that the three are one and one is three and you have called on the name
of the Lord because, well… confessed all of that, so it must be true. Now
the words of Christ are spirit (Jn 6:63 …the words that I speak unto you, they
are spirit, and they are life.) the words of Christ only describe and define
God as “ONE” and as we shall see in chapter six a specific Greek word that ONLY
refers to ONE person when speaking of individuals. It is outright willful
blatant stupidity to attempt to claim that God is an individual of three
different persons and the spirit that claims God is three different persons is
NOT the spirit of Christ!
Pg 69..To have different persons (in the “God-head” et al)
each with their own unique spirit or person from the other two persons and
subservient to just one of those spirit-persons makes a hierarchy of god
persons just like the Greek gods. The only difference is limiting the number of
these god persons to three as opposed to any other number in the other pagan
pantheon of gods. Simply, claiming “no it is not a pantheon of gods. We confess
God is one nature/substance/being with three different persons (composing the
god-head)”, simply moves the location of your pantheon from Mt Olympus up to
heaven into God’s head (but the pantheon is still there, Further, having
multiple persons in one head is a mental illness it is not “divine”) !?!
PG 97 …A tree is known by the fruit it bears. The fact that
God said he is "one" and someone came along and contradicts that and
states "God is three in one" should have given you a hint, harking
back to Satan in The garden...God said you will die...Satan comes along and
states no you will be more .God said He is one; but Satan's
children come along and say no three is more WISE and humble in the face of
God’s grandeur only “a mystery” that can be understood “in faith”. God uses
head and right arm to explain the distinctions between father and son..
However, the Trinitarian heretics say to the effect: "NO, that is just a
figure of speech, or that is not what God really means. What God is really
saying is that God is three different persons". Fools, hypocrites and
blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions and vain imaginations
have taken the words of God and made them of no effect, refashioning God into
your image! The worship of different persons who are each God with different degrees/amounts
of god knowledge, god power and god authority that authorize and send each
other around on different missions is the practice of polytheistic pagans who
worship their gods, NOT Christians. Simply calling all of your different gods,
“God” does not change the fact that you are worshiping multiple different god
persons. Claiming that worship of three different persons is the worship of
only one deity is not just a contradiction in scripture and terms but just as
ridiculous as taking a ford pickup truck and replacing the hood (and all other
emblems) ornament(s) with a Mercedes-Benz emblem on it then trying to pass it
off as a Mercedes sedan!?!
Pg 27 ..... What is even more curiously hypocritical is the
fact that according to the Trinitarian reasoning, God is not capable of being
only one person in three parts. NO NO, however, on the other hand they are
quick to point to how great God, past our human understanding and our limited
feeble minds He is as the reason for why we should just accept that God can be
one being with three different persons as a “god-head”. The coherent and
consistent approach to the one person godhead is thrown out in favor of the
incomprehensible three person God because God is so great he could do that.
They will say we don’t have to understand it because we can’t and must not put
limits on God. However, on the other hand, they will deny that God is great
enough to be only be one person who is the father and the same person who is
the son and the same person who is the holy spirit (even though that is how he
describes himself.) God is not great enough to be and do that. In any case, the
Trinitarian’s treat their god to only be as great and incomprehensible in the
way and for the reason they imagine the God to be. Trinitarinas have no
difficulty “seeing” (never mind they also claim it is impossible to fully
understand) that God is three different persons (with three different minds and
or three different locations with different amounts of knowledge, power and
authority that send each other around) but they cannot, will not accept and
would fiercely deny and claim that it is impossible for one God with one
person, could just have three different modes bodies (physical/spiritual He
occupies) of all the same person!?! You see God is only as Great and
incomprehensible in the way and for they reasons that they say God is past
(your) “feeble” human understanding, but they in their “humility”, accept that
fact; and “be damned” what anyone or any scriptures have to say otherwise about
Mat 28:19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing
them IN THE NAME OF the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST:
Some look at this verse and “see” direct evidence of three
different persons, which is quite bizarre since This passages specifically
makes the point that Father son and holy spirit all have the same name by
placing them side by side equating those with each other as the same person!..
The passage is NOT making a distinction of three different names we are to
worship in, pay homage to, baptize into!?!
(A) Placing father, son and holy spirit in the same list
with each other, it identifies that father son and Holy spirit have the SAME
NAME! It does not say IN THE NAMES OF it states IN THE NAME singular not plural
(compare: Gal 3:16) (Phil 2:9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and
given HIM A NAME WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME:…………………….; Acts 4:12. Neither is
there salvation in any other: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given
among men, WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED.)………..There is ONLY ONE NAME that saves not
three different names!!!
The fact that three things are mentioned in a list is not a
“proof” of three different things or persons. In fact, in writing and or public
speaking there is a technical use called a tetracolon and also “rule of three”
it was widely used by the Greeks and roman orators of whom it is said
“perfected it” even today in modern language it is widely used and scriptures
use the same basic construct. A good example of this can be seen here: in
Rev 1:2 Who bare record of (1) THE WORD of God, and of
(2) THE TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ, and of
(3) all THINGS THAT HE SAW. (Rev 19:9..These are the true
sayings of God. .10…for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.)
Also applies to 2Cor 13:14. The grace
(1) OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love
(2) OF GOD, and the communion of
(3) THE HOLY GHOST, be with you all. Amen. …Note the use of
“GOD” here rather then father….it matters not if you try to assume that father
is under discussion here because the fact is there is ONLY ONE GOD PERIOD and
in this verse Jesus, God and Holy Ghost are all God and all the same God.
All three of these things are the same thing/ message
addressed from three different perspectives (or portions/parts) or ways of
saying the same thing; It is NOT three different messages or testimonies or
“Words of God” !?!
(C) Prov 30:4. Who hath ascended up into heaven, or
descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? …… what is his name, and
WHAT IS HIS SON'S NAME, if thou canst tell?
Ps 138:2. …. and praise THY NAME ……. for thou hast magnified
Rev 19:13. .. and HIS NAME IS called THE WORD OF
- If God placed His "THE WORD" ABOVE all of God's
various NAMEs
- and Jesus NAME (who is God in the flesh) IS called
Then it must follow that the MOST important name we should
KNOW and CALL UPON is "THE WORD"; . Not the letters that spell the
word but the sayings/ doctrine/commands….
Isaiah 52:1. .. 6. Therefore MY PEOPLE SHALL KNOW MY NAME:
......................What NAME do you "KNOW".?.....
1Jn 2:3. And HEREBY WE DO KNOW that we KNOW HIM, if we KEEP
HIS COMMANDMENTS./ Titus 1: 16. They profess that THEY KNOW God; but IN WORKS
THEY DENY him…….
Rev 3:8….. kept MY WORD, and hast not DENIED MY NAME;
Jn 17:6. I have MANIFESTED THY NAME .... and they have KEPT
ERGO: In the name of the father son and Holy Spirit does not
denote three different names or three different persons but three ways/modes of
the same person and name of God
1John 5:13. These things have I written unto you that
BELIEVE ON THE NAME of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal
life, and that ye may BELIEVE ON THE NAME of the Son of God.
1Jn 3:23. And THIS IS HIS COMMANDMENT, That we should
Jn 20:31. But these are written, that ye might believe that
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life
1Jn 3:23. And THIS IS HIS COMMANDMENT, That we should
For further explanations see Ch 1 “in the name of the
father” and Ch 7 “in the name of the father part 2”
………….. This is will also explain what THESE mean:
Jn 14:13. And WHATSOEVER……. ye shall ask ……..IN MY NAME,…….
Acts 2: 21. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever
shall CALL ON …….. THE NAME OF the Lord ……………………..shall
be saved……38…baptized every one of you …………IN THE NAME OF Jesus Christ
Even Most preachers do not really understand the most
fundamental issue in answering the arguments which are ALL centered and is
rooted in a perfect understanding of "THE NAME OF THE LORD"
…THE WORD is the NAME that whosoever calls upon it will be
saved!! Acts 2:12 means EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS the problem is people do not
understand what THE NAME of the Lord is............ ( other considerations: PS
83:16&19 the name is Jehovah but Jehovah is not the name!?! Jehovah means
self existent eternal one it is as much an adjective that describes what God's
as it is used as a proper noun [i.e. “my name is wonderful” but wonderful is not
my name])…….
Jn 14:13. And whatsoever ye shall ask …………IN MY NAME,
……….that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14. If ye
shall ask any thing ……..IN MY NAME,…………. I will do it. 15. If ye love me, keep
my commandments.
If you do not understand that the name of the lord is THE
WORD of God (not the letters that spell “the word” or “The bible” but in the
message. Doctrine, sayings(Jn 8:61; 14:24;15:20; Rev 19:9 et al), commands of
that Word made flesh(Jn 1:14) ………Then you probably have no clue what God much
less what Gospel you are preaching!!!
……….Soooooooooo WHAT "NAME" did you "CALL
UPON" and Confess and or are now denying ?!?
………………………………Ps 53:4
John 14:9. Jesus saith unto him, HAVE I BEEN SO LONG
HATH SEEN THE FATHER; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?......The
"oneness" between Christ and the father is not comparable to a man
and his wife, for only a fool would say "When you have seen me you have
seen my wife, how sayest thou then, Shew us your wife?"
.................. 10. Believest thou not that I am in
the Father, and the Father in me?.... 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in
If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I WILL DO IT. …………..
…………..17. Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; (Jn 14:6 I AM the way,
THE TRUTH,) whom the world cannot receive, .. for HE DEWLLETH WITH YOU,
(present tense/standing next to them in the flesh) and SHALL BE IN YOU...
(future tense “In them”) 18. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL
COME TO YOU (future tense “In them”) Note: The spirit of Christ is the sprit of
God and the holy spirit that is why Christ said “I will come to you” (to
comfort them, because Christ is the comforter). The spirit was standing
next to them in flesh... ....latter it would come to them to be inside of them
(inside of their flesh as the spirit we are given).....that is why. he would
send the spirit...... However, Jesus himself here makes the point that the same
person who was the HOLY SPIRIT that would come was standing next to them but
lets them know “I will come to you again to be Inside of you” The present
condition was external to them but in the flesh dwelling with them but, the
future condition would be internal to them .. Rom 8:9 When you “see” or “pray”
to the father (in the name of the father covered further in Ch 7) you are
“seeing” and praying to Jesus and visa versa and Jesus will be the one to
“come” and answer because father and son are just different
parts/manifestations of the same person!?
Eph 4:4. There is one body, and ONE SPIRIT, even as ye
are called in one hope of your calling; 5. ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE
BAPTISM, 6. ONE GOD AND FATHER of all, who is above all, and through all,
and in you all.
1Peter 1:10. Of which salvation THE PROPHETS have
inquired and searched diligently, WHO PROPHESIED of the grace that should come
unto you:11. Searching what, or what manner of time THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST
WHICH WAS IN THEM, when IT TESTIFIED beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and
the glory that should follow………
2Peter 1:21. For THE PROPHECY CAME not in old time by
the will of man: but holy men of God spake as THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY
Rom 8:9.....if so be that THE SPIRIT OF GOD DEWELL IN YOU.
Now if any man have not THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, he is none of his.........
John 6:63. It is THE SPIRIT that quickeneth; … THE
WORDS … they ARE SPIRIT, and they are life…
Rom 8:9. … THE SPIRIT dwell IN YOU. Now if any man
have not THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, he is none of his.
There is only ONE SPIRIT not one spirit for Christ the man
another spirit for the Father person (who is a spirit) and a third spirit
called the Holy Spirit!?!?!....1Cor 12:13....There is no such thing as three
different spirits who are also the same ONE SPIRIT ...
(1) When we say God sent his right arm into human flesh this
kind of image (this here is the left arm) or the kind of idea that some have
conjured up for others to scoff and mock...however, God is a omnipresent spirit
so God did not need to detach any part of himself he just simply used that part
of his omnipresent self and put it in/ attached it to the flesh that would be
born male (son) human flesh without ever being separated or detached from
that part of himself......God did not detach anything...GOD can be anywhere and
everywhere at the same time as such any part of God can be anywhere he so
chooses to "place it" so a better conceptualization is the
other diagrams .........and NO the devil is not God's left arm nor is he even a
part of God, the devil is NOT God..( he is a created being)
Pg 143............... .But wait
someone would say, I would never consider my right arm to be my son so why
would God consider his right arm to be his son?..God is a omnipresent spirit
that “lives” primarily in heaven (as a spirit in the spiritual) God calls that
part of himself that he considers to be his right arm His son because of the
physical birth of male (son) human flesh that was born into the physical world
as a “son of man” (that was in fact God himself) and as such belongs to
God. His own right arm came into the physical world via a natural physical
birth into human male (son) flesh!!.Was it Mary’s son or God’s son? It is
simply a matter of perspective. The male child was born of a virgin but the
male human flesh was animated or only had life via that part of God considered
to be his own right arm and as such that male human flesh was literally the
human flesh of God since it was A SON and God had no other human flesh (or son)
it was literally the ONLY or unique birthed BEGOTTEN SON (male human flesh) OF
GOD (belonging to / the possession "of God") Jesus is a son because
of the circumstance .NOT because some other different god person who was not a
powerful and knowledgeable as the father God person! .....Except you believe it
you will die in your sins..
Pg 14 ..It is superfluous even
fallacious to insist on a second person of God because a son must be a
different person then a human father because Jesus did not have a human father
and God does not take a wife and have children like men do ?!?!… God via the
angel told Mary that what was going to be born was to be called the son of God,
A SON?) NOT because the servant/Right arm sent is a different person then the
father who sent his right arm/ “My servant” the son. Jesus is a literal son by
virtue of the birth into human flesh NOT by virtue of having a different person
then the father. Further, it is important to understand that there was no son
of God until the son was born however that part of God himself that He
considers to be God’s own hand / right arm (by which he created all things and
would latter send via a physical birth) had always existed. The fact that God
has distinctions between father son and Holy Spirit is not any more
incomprehensible then a man with a head and right arm (that comes to “man” via
a physical birth ergo called the “son of man” & “Son of God”) and a sprit
that animates them all. One might be tempted to think that God actually
intended for us to understand his nature by using the very creation (even in
the language and terminology) that was made in that image.
(2) I am a father and a son..I am only one person
Likewise God is father and son and is only one person…The difference is I am a
human I cannot be my own son or my own father ….WHY?
The circumstance of God’s person is different then the
circumstance of my person
My person exist and is limited it had a
beginning an origin/genesis…….God’s person is eternal self existent and does
NOT require a beginning or origin to exist …that is why he can claim the
beginning and the end….I cannot not…a father is the beginning the son is the
end of that cycle as a created being with a beginning or origin I cannot
be my own beginning as such cannot complete my own origins.
The only reason I cannot be my own father is that as a
father I had a beginning so I had to FIRST BE A SON BEFORE I BEGAME A FATHER…….BUT
GOD DID NOT HAVE TO BE A SON BEFORE HE BECAME A FATHER…I cannot be my own father because of my finite circumstance (I
had a beginning, as a created human) not because a number of persons
defines what a father is or who can be a father or son. The Human flesh of
Jesus had a beginning and was created but the person and spirit of that man
Jesus was God and had always existed before the son of man came to be. WHAT MAKES AND DEFINES WHAT IT IS TO BE A
son of God was born and thus became the son of god when and only when that part
of Gods eternal self was born into the physical world into male human (ergo
“son”) flesh was born….It was God and that male human flesh (ergo
son) was the sole possession of God as such it was “OF
GOD” ( belonging to God)…not a different person.
God had NO SON before Christ was born........ it makes this
point clear in the OT as well as in the NT period! ..But YES JESUS HAD ALWAYS
OT…..Ecclesiastes 4:8. There is ONE ALONE, and there is NOT
A SECOND; yea, HE HATH NEITHER CHILD (BEN/SON) nor brother: yet is there no end
of all his labour; neither is his eye satisfied with riches; neither saith he,
For whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good? This is also vanity, yea, it
is a sore travail.....................(Solomon here is mentioning in his
discourse and making reference to GOD as comparison/ contrast
to the vanity of men....Solomon here is NOT talking about himself nor is
he talking about some or any old lonely man that happens to be out there.... i
only mention this because i get the most ridiculous comments
NT……Heb 1:5 Thou art my Son, THIS DAY (at a certain point
& specific day)………. HAVE I BEGOTTEN THEE? And again, I WILL BE TO HIM A
first begotten into the world ............ ?
John 17: 4-5 does not help the trinitarians because as
demonstrated JESUS has ALWAYS Existed but NOT always as a son and John 17: 4-5
does not say that Jesus was a son before the world began it ONLY speaks to the
fact that Jesus who is the son was in existence with the father before the
foundation of the world....Again trinitarian faulty exegesis. They like to
ignore the plain scriptures in favor of oblique references and interpret them
in a way that directly contradicts clear passages and even though John 17:4-5
is still just as true just as describe here as the right arm of God that would
latter come and be born into male (son) human flesh .....The male child was
born of a virgin but the male human flesh was animated or only had life via
that part of God considered to be his own right arm and as such that male human
flesh was literally the human flesh of God since it was A SON and God had no
other human flesh (or son) it was literally the ONLY or unique birthed BEGOTTON
SON (male human flesh) OF GOD (belonging to / the possession "of
God") Jesus is a son because what was physical born was male human flesh
and a son that was the possession of God because it was God in that male (son)
human flesh .NOT because some other different god person who was not a powerful
and knowledgeable as the father God person! .....Except you believe it you will
die in your sins..
There is alot of perspective that folks seem to gloss over
and do not consider. Of course Jesus has always existed because Jesus is
nothing but that part of the spirit of God considered his right hand that God
would send and put into flesh via a physical birth…However, from another
perspective it is just as equally true that, Jesus the man ( “son of man”/ “son
of God”) did not exist before he was born into the flesh (ergo Ps 2:7…this day
have I begotten thee; Lk 1:35. )….because before he was born into the flesh he
was just God specifically the right arm of God that was promised to come
latter. That part of God that God would send into flesh has always existed but
that part of God has not always existed in flesh or as a man!?!.....Thus when
folks argue over or point fingers on whether or not Jesus existed before he was
born into the physical world has everything to do with perspective. No man (or
“son of man”) existed for all of eternity prior to the time before God(Jesus) created
Man….There was only God (Jesus) who created man and all things…This brings us
to another important point and concept to understand. Man is a spirit animating
flesh. When God put himself (that part of his eternally existent
self) into flesh via a physical birth then God literally became a man and
a son. That son of man did not exist prior to the point that man was born.
However, that part of the spirit of God that was born into that flesh had
always existed because it is God in the same way that if I put my right hand
into a leather glove (of human flesh) that part of me that is put into that
leather glove existed before during and after it leaves that leather glove of
flesh. Never the less, the man did not exist until the male human flesh (son)
Jesus was born. The God which is the spirit because God is a spirit and Jesus
is God had always existed before he was born into the world but he did not
exist as a man (or “son of man”) prior to the time that he himself as God
created man/ “son of man”!?! Before the son came into the world he was only
considered to be the right hand of God, that would come and when it did he
would be called the only begotten son of God, for the very reason that while
many have been called "sons of God" Jesus was the ONLY BEGOTTEN son
God had via a human women!?!?
NO God did not create a right arm at any point in
time...that eternal part of God that God himself considers to be his right arm
that has ALWAYS existed came to be born into human male flesh and at that point
because of the birth and male human flesh became THE SON OF virtue of
circumstance NOT by virtue of being newly created..!?!? Jesus as THE SON had a
point in time in which he BEGAN to be a son.......but Jesus had always existed
because the man Jesus is that part of God that God considers to be his own
right arm that God would send via a physical natural birth into human male
(son) flesh!?!
and While some have tried to point to John " Who is a
liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies
the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either;
he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.”..they dont seem to realize
this is speaking of all those groups who claim that Jesus was a different
person then the father Trinitarians/ JW islam et al....why?.. because while
some deny the divinity of Christ other make Christ a different divinity and
deny it. You see both sets of groups make the same error they point to
arguments and say Jesus was a different person then his father.....thus even Jw
and Islam claims Jesus was the Jewish messiah/Christ who was to come in the
flesh) they like the trinitarians all deny WHO it was (or what person) that
came (to be the Christ) in the flesh!?!...."WHO" it was (what person)
TO BE “ANT-CHRIST”! To deny the father is to deny the son because they are one
and the same person that came in the flesh! denies divinity the other
creates a pantheon....both are damned....
In fact the holy spirit is the same right arm as well…..go
back and look at part 3 and NOTE that what is revealed is the right arm
John 14:9. Jesus saith unto him, HAVE I BEEN SO LONG
HATH SEEN THE FATHER; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?......The
"oneness" between Christ and the father is not comparable to a man
and his wife, for only a fool would say "When you have seen me you have
seen my wife, how sayest thou then, Shew us your wife?"
.................. 10. Believest thou not that I am in
the Father, and the Father in me?.... 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in
If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I WILL DO IT. …………..
…………..17. Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; (Jn 14:6 I AM the way,
THE TRUTH,) whom the world cannot receive, .. for HE DEWLLETH WITH YOU,
(present tense/standing next to them in the flesh) and SHALL BE IN YOU...
(future tense “In them”) 18. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL
COME TO YOU (future tense “In them”) Note: The spirit of Christ is the sprit of
God and the holy spirit that is why Christ said “I will come to you” (to
comfort them, because Christ is the comforter). The spirit was standing
next to them in flesh... ....latter it would come to them to be inside of them
(inside of their flesh as the spirit we are given).....that is why. he would
send the spirit...... However, Jesus himself here makes the point that the same
person who was the HOLY SPIRIT that would come was standing next to them but
lets them know “I will come to you again to be Inside of you” The present condition
was external to them but in the flesh dwelling with them but, the future
condition would be internal to them .. Rom 8:9 When you “see” or “pray” to the
father (in the name of the father covered further in Ch 7) you are “seeing” and
praying to Jesus and visa versa and Jesus will be the one to “come” and answer
because father and son are just different parts/manifestations of the
same person!?
Eph 4:4. There is one body, and ONE SPIRIT, even as ye
are called in one hope of your calling; 5. ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE
BAPTISM, 6. ONE GOD AND FATHER of all, who is above all, and through all,
and in you all.
1Peter 1:10. Of which salvation THE PROPHETS have
inquired and searched diligently, WHO PROPHESIED of the grace that should come
unto you:11. Searching what, or what manner of time THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST
WHICH WAS IN THEM, when IT TESTIFIED beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and
the glory that should follow………
2Peter 1:21. For THE PROPHECY CAME not in old time by
the will of man: but holy men of God spake as THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY
Rom 8:9.....if so be that THE SPIRIT OF GOD DEWELL IN YOU.
Now if any man have not THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, he is none of his.........
John 6:63. It is THE SPIRIT that quickeneth; … THE
WORDS … they ARE SPIRIT, and they are life…
Rom 8:9. … THE SPIRIT dwell IN YOU. Now if any man
have not THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, he is none of his.
There is only ONE SPIRIT not one spirit for Christ the man
another spirit for the Father person (who is a spirit) and a third spirit
called the Holy Spirit!?!?!....1Cor 12:13....There is no such thing as three
different spirits who are also the same ONE SPIRIT ...
er and authority that send each other around) but they
cannot, will not accept and would fiercely deny and claim that it is impossible
for one God with one person, could just have three different modes bodies
(physical/spiritual He occupies) of all the same person!?! You see God is only
as Great and incomprehensible in the way and for they reasons that they say God
is past (your) “feeble” human understanding, but they in their “humility”,
accept that fact; and “be damned” what anyone or any scriptures have to say
otherwise about it.